Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I am getting old.

My poor little 25-year-old body is aging. I used to have oily skin, I would have bottles of lotion go bad because I never used them. Yes, they can go bad, weird thought, I know. Now, I put lotion on every day. EVERY. DAY. What?! Yeah, last winter my legs got so dry the skin cracked. I didn't even know what to do with dry skin. I couldn't even fathom the idea!

Also, I was the type that never really got cold. And the heat didn't bother me. I would cruise around in a car without AC in the 100+ degree weather and not break a sweat. Now, it pours off when it's like 81. And cold? You do not even want to know how many layers I have on now. And it's only October! I will be wearing ALL of my clothes in January!!

And never mind the coarse white old lady hairs that I have had since I was 19. Holy mother.

I also get heartburn like someones grandmother!

With people living well into their nineties, what will I look like then??

*Disclaimer: I know I made it out to seem like I am a sweaty, cracked skin, grey-haired, hot monster. I am actually not. I hide my aging process well.

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